Thursday 13 June 2013


A long overdue blog update. So many great things have happened in the past few months. 1) We are now officially training full-time OUTDOORS. The winter depression has passed and now my home is finally Ashbridges Bay again. My beach partner Victoria Altomare and I, train every morning with Steve Anderson and Adriana Bento. As I mentioned previously, Steve is a former coach of Natalie Cook (Olympic Gold and Bronze medalist) and is now our National Team coach. Adriana Bento was a world-class athlete competing internationally for Brazil and now is a stellar coach. In addition to this dynamic duo, Vee (Victoria) and I have our own personal coach, Joe Body (2012 London Olympic Coach). Having all these amazing coaches in our corner has really set us up for success this summer and in the future of our long volleyball career's ahead of us.

Thus far, we have travelled to Locarno, Switzerland to compete in the Suisse COOP National Beach Tour. We placed 5th in this event, after losing a tight match to a stronger and older Spanish team. Next we travelled to both Luebeck and Kiel, Germany to compete in some local events in which we took home 1st place finishes in both! It was a great experience playing so many matches in just two days and pumped us up for the following weekend. We competed in a much larger tournament, part of the SHVV tour in Schilskee, Germany in which we took home a Bronze. We dealt with some harsh weather conditions, training in the pouring rain for 14 days straight, suffered from frost bite one day and then sun burn the next. It only made Victoria and I stronger and pushed us forward as a team.

We're super excited to be back on Canadian soil and to prepare for the Canadian Trials taking place in Toronto, June 25th-27th and the OVA Grandslam June 28th-30th at Ashbridges Bay.
Hope to see you out there!



Saturday 6 April 2013

In the hopes to spark a smile

I stumbled upon this video today and it sparked a smile on my face, hopefully it will do the same for you.

Laughter is truly a beautiful thing.



Monday 18 February 2013

What Do You Desire

I thought I'd share this video. I am so blessed to have been brought up by such wonderful and inspirational parents. They taught me to follow my heart, believe in myself and build a life worth living. Each and every day I go confidently in the direction of my dreams, feeling supported 100% and never once look back.
My parents don't work for a living; they truly live.
Cheers to you Mom and Dad!


Friday 8 February 2013

Let The Games Begin

My 2013 Season has started off with a bang! The National Team program has been blessed with a brilliant new head coach, Steve Anderson. I will miss a lot of training and technique taught by our former head coach, but Steve brings a whole new mindset for Canadian volleyballers. For those of your unfamiliar with Steve Ando, here is a link to a quick bio: Steve Anderson.

Training everyday at the High Performance Facility has been such a joy. I have found a perfect balance in my life with training, conditioning, studying and down time. The harmony connecting all these events in my life together is happiness. I truly enjoy everything that I am doing in my life. After a heavy-course load of work first semester, I realized there is no benefit from worrying or creating stress in my life. All I can focus on is one thing at a time; to be in the present moment and put 100% effort into doing just what I am doing at that exact moment. Whether I am in the gym or on the sand, I cannot be thinking of the biochemical processes in the cingulate gyrus and or being trying to organize my volleyball travel schedule during physiology lecture. By focusing on just one event at a time, I am training at a higher, more focused level and have received high grades on my first midterms in Neurobiology and Biochemistry. I realize that I am not super human, but have learned how to optimize every second of everyday. Time is so valuable and there is so much I want to accomplish in my lifetime. I realize what is important in life, what my goals are, and exactly how I am going to live out my dreams.

My competition season is about to begin shortly and I am doing everything I can to properly prepare myself for #Podium2013 top finishes. I am lucky to have such amazing and wonderful sponsors supporting me this season as I work hard day in and day out on a pathway to the Olympics.
A HUGE shout out to Maui&Sons for creating the most stylish beach wear for me to wear this season. From bikinis, to hoodies, tanks, flip flops and unreal polarized shades, Maui&Sons has got me covered.

With Reid's Customized Workout Program I have seen tremendous gains in my strength, core and stability. His vast knowledge of athletics, conditioning, and nutrition allows him to design a fitness program customized to your own personal needs. I would highly recommend his training to any athlete! While training, I am able to utilize the best supplements from Rivalus knowing they are clean and effective. Their pre-workout mix has zero caffeine in it, leaving me without that shaky feeling at the gym. I'll keep you posted on my gains from Rivalus products over the next few months.  GP8 has changed my entire perspective on water. I was a little skeptical at first that water could actually be "enhanced" with oxygen. However, after training and drinking GP8 for one day I was completely convinced. I did a thorough read through of their scientific papers and the facts hold true! This water delivers more oxygen to your blood stream, thus creating a greater partial pressure for the oxygen stored in your hemoglobin to be deliver to your tissues with more efficiency. I can taste the difference in the water, it's lighter and I don't feel bloated while hydrating with lots of GP8 Sportwater. Definitely a product I would recommend!

Thank you everyone for your continued support as I am able to live out my dreams each and every day knowing I have amazing friends, family, coaches and sponsors. I hope I can continue to motivate, inspire and enlighten those I come across in my path. Feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to connect. I love sharing my life with those around me!

Namaste friends.
